I’m done with hiding


People still say to me – “It wouldn’t kill you to put a little makeup on or brush your hair before you do your videos, Roxy.”

And you know what — it might. It might kill that beautiful idea that my peeps all currently have of me that I’m super proud of: I am authentically, and unapolegitically me. 👊

And when I dont want to dress up for you, I wont.
Because I dont need to hide behind smoke and mirrors to share my message.

And if you are going to reject what I have to say about life, because I didn’t pluck my eyebrows or put on some lipstick then “bye felicia…” my message isn’t for you.👋

I share when I feel like I have something to say and when I have value to give back to my community. And sometimes there’s no time to worry about what it looks like and what people will say about me.

I don’t need to do myself up to feel beautiful and confident. I made that happen from the inside.
I got over myself. Because what I do and how I serve others is ultimately NOT ABOUT ME.

In my life I have learnt from all different kinds of people, from all walks of life, of various cultures and backgrounds, of every age group. I have learnt to listen past the bullshit aesthetic stuff. You know that saying ‘Dont judge a book by its cover….’ Yeh that shit…💯

Because if you limit yourself to only listening to people who look/sound right. Then you are putting a massive cap on your learning.

Everyone has a lesson to teach if you are willing to listen hard enough… And sometimes the best lessons are taught in the most unorthodox ways, by the most unexpected people. ✨

2 thoughts on “I’m done with hiding

  1. Me for once, I am yet to see a bad pic of your. You have the art to inspire and illuminate minds by saying it like it is, when all of us are getting on with our hectic day to day life activities and forget to stop, breath and press pause. I love reading your blogs as they are living proof that it’s possible to do what you love and to share it with others. Keep it up Rox and fulfilled Your Dreams


  2. Me for once, I am yet to see a bad pic of yours. You have the art to inspire and illuminate minds by saying it like it is, when all of us are getting on with our hectic day to day life activities and forget to stop, breath and press pause. I love reading your blogs as they are living proof that it’s possible to do what you love and to share it with others. Keep it up Rox and fulfilled Your Dreams


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